Page 18 - HW September 2019
P. 18

2019 itm awards
                                                                ITM brand” and the 2019 Achiever of the Year, Don Blair of Hamptons ITM, who’s said to “bleed yellow and black”!
Tauranga ITM took out this year’s ultimate award, the CEO Award for Growth & Improvement, thanks to its “great supplier and commitment to customer relationships”, its top to bottom customer mix and all-round excellence.
The complete list of the 2019 ITM Award winners is as follows:
Shareholder Growth Turnover $0-3.5m ($ and % increase)
Hardware Supplier of the Year
Building Products Supplier of the Year
Winstone Wallboards
Shareholders’ Choice for Supplier of the Year
Winstone Wallboards
Suppliers’ Choice for Outstanding Shareholder
Southern Lakes ITM
Group Builder Award
Southern Lakes ITM
Operational Excellence Award
Manawatu ITM
Community Sponsorship Award
Far North ITM
Shareholders’ Choice for Outstanding Leadership
Building Connexion Limited
Young Achiever of the Year
Isaac Lawrence, Far North ITM
Achiever of the Year
Don Blair, Hamptons ITM
CEO Award for Growth & Improvement
Tauranga ITM
Central ITM Feilding
Shareholder Growth Turnover
Parapine ITM
Shareholder Growth Turnover
ProBuild ITM
Shareholder Growth Turnover
Southern Lakes ITM
Shareholder Growth Turnover
Supplier Growth in $ turnover
Max Birt Sawmills
$3.5-10m ($ increase) $3.5-10m (% increase) $10m+ ($ increase) $10m+ (% increase)
Supplier Growth in % turnover
Nelson Pine Industries
Timber Supplier of the Year
CHH Woodproducts
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