Page 2 - OPE March 2020
P. 2

“R” word – really?
There’s been talk
recently about the “R” word. Recession, that is.
Indeed, says one pundit, the pernicious combination of the recent drought and
the Covid-19 coronavirus might kneecap economic growth enough to cause a modest recession.
Be that as it may, there’s a saying in outdoor power, “where there’s a storm, there’s a need for a chainsaw”.
Indeed, towards the end of 2019 for example it was clear that sales of generators were going through the roof on the US West Coast thanks to power outages designed to forestall accidental ignition of bushfires.
Plus, early this year it was equally clear that water pumps were in hot demand, not just across the US but also in Australia.
Just goes to show that for every negative there is a response...
Steve Bohling Group Editor 09 304 2705
NZ Outdoor Power Equipment
is published 4 times per year
by Marketplace Media,
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ISSN: 1177-4215
The opinions expressed and material published in New Zealand Outdoor Power Equipment
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Group Editor Steve Bohling 09 304 2705 and 021 0223 6887
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021 507 343,
From African
schoolrooms to Nelson
and outdoor power
ISAAC AND MICHELLE Russell took on STIHL SHOP Nelson in August last year, following what
would have been an interesting period of long distance negotiations...
The pair had been on the international teaching scene for the last 15 years, starting in Dubai then Angola, Sudan and Tanzania, from where they had the unenviable but ultimately successful task of sealing the deal to take on Nelson’s central outdoor power dealer.
With Michelle a Nelson local and Isaac having started his teaching career there, the pair were keen to return to New Zealand and raise their children and started looking for a business outside of education.
Although Isaac’s grandfather was a small motor mechanic, running a STIHL SHOP is a far cry from education. What were
the clinchers for the Russells taking on central Nelson’s outdoor power servicing dealership?
“STIHL is a very reputable brand. There aren’t many garages in New Zealand that don’t have an item of STIHL,” says Isaac, who also pays respect to the brand support systems and networks that they experienced in the lead up to purchasing.
During negotiations, STIHL was “really supportive and had people on the ground helping us make decisions. You know, it wasn’t as simple as walking down the road and checking things out from on the other side of the world.”
On top of this, with the deal done, in the lead-up to taking over, Isaac sought to learn from the experiences of long-time friend, John Bishop, who owns STIHL SHOP Timaru, so the Russells went into their new business armed with a range of valuable practical insights and information.
As well as Nelson being home for the Russells, other drivers included the strong Nelson market, its growing population and the store’s central location at 66 Vanguard Street, directly across from New World.
One other key, as far as the Russells were concerned, was retaining the services of experienced mechanic, Jason Day, who’d been with STIHL SHOP Nelson for 5-6 years. “Good mechanics are not a dime a dozen in the small motor industry,” says Isaac emphatically.
As well as of course Isaac and Michelle,
Happy to be home: Michelle and Isaac Russell of STIHL SHOP Nelson.
who say they’re “basically jacks of all trades” in the store, there’s a second pair of hands in the workshop, plus the STIHL SHOP Nelson team also includes Derek Walker, experienced conservationist and long-time user of the tools sold at the store, who works part time.
What does Isaac believe makes the store special, on top of quality products? “Our background is in relationship building, whether that is with students, parents
or staff and certainly within this new environment we want to build relationships with customers so that they become repeat customers and pass on the good word to friends and family – word of mouth is the best form of advertising, certainly in a small place like Nelson.
“We’re not just here to make a buck, but we want to develop relationships, positive relationships that in return benefit us and benefit the people that come into the shop.”

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