Page 10 - HW MAY 2019
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hard news                                                         Government and industry working together PERHAPS AS A precursor to the proposed changes to the Building Act 2004 (Act), in mid-April, Government and building industry together launched the Construction Sector Accord, a framework around which to improve the building sector and help ensure accountability. The Government describes the Accord as: “a shared commitment to transform New Zealand’s construction sector” and “a new way for Government and industry to work together to create lasting, positive change in the sector”. The Government’s commitments: • Betterprocurementpracticesandimprovedpipeline management. • Improvedbuildingregulatorysystemsandconsenting processes. Industry commitments: • Enhancedindustryleadership,collaborationandorganisation. • Betterbusinessperformance. • Improvedcultureandreputation. Shared by Government and industry: • Growworkforcecapabilityandcapacity. • Betterriskmanagementandfairerriskallocation. • Improvedhealthandsafetyatwork. • Morehousesandbetterdurability. Of course the key elements of this Accord are already widely recognised and some actions are already in train but publicly For over 21 years VSS have been dedicated to helping grow New Zealand’s leading consumer brands. We offer a tailored sales and service mix to suit your market and brand. andformallyacknowledgingtheworkthathastobeachieved cannotbeabadthing. Ina,RegisteredMasterBuildersAssociationChiefExecutive, David Kelly, says the Accord “represents a significant opportunity for the industry to partner with Government to make positive change in the construction sector. “The Government has given clear commitments to the industry and New Zealanders that the construction sector is critical to the success of our communities and cities. “The issues are clear and have been well debated. We are facing skills and labour shortages, poor risk management, unclear regulations, and a lack of coordinated leadership. “This Accord represents a tangible agreement between the industry and Government to try to address these issues, and to hold each other to account. “We see the Accord as a valuable part of the process, providing us all with new ‘rules of the game’.” In a press release, Geoff Hunt, Chairman of industry body the Construction Strategy Group, offers a more guarded approval of the Accord: “The Accord represents the Government’s willingness to collaborate with industry to transform the sector so it can continue to deliver benefits which all New Zealanders can share and trust such as safe, durable homes, buildings and infrastructure built by a productive, capable and commercially viable sector.” However, he continues: “Whether the Accord becomes a ‘game changer’ will be determined by the achievement of shared goals and outcomes in the transformational plan to be agreed with Government together with improving the commercial viability of industry participants as part of a high performing New Zealand construction sector.” What’s next? More work, as industry works with Government to develop a more detailed plan for these “commitments to transformation”.          Key services: · Sales Representatives · Space management · Market intelligence · Vendor refill management · Merchandising services · Stock integrity · Real time reporting · Product knowledge/Training We are passionate about growing your brand! Call us now to find out how we can deliver an efficient and cost effective sales and merchandising solution. Contact: Phil Cowan Ph: 09 825 0589 Email:         8 NZHJ | MAY 2019 MORE AT  MPM 9067 0219 

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