Page 25 - Eng P6
P. 25


                                                             Practice 3

                                                         ึ         ้
                                                   แบบฝกกำรใช verb to be

                          Instruction   จงเลอกเตม is, am, are ลงในช่องว่างและเปลยนประโยคต่อไปน้         ี

                         ให้เปนประโยคค าถาม      (ขอละ 2 คะแนน)

                        Example:    She is a singer.                     Is she a singer?

                       1.  I ______ a dentist.             1. _______________________________

                       2.  He ______ a good boy.           2. _______________________________

                       3.  Anne _____ a beautiful lady.   3. _______________________________

                       4.  The balls _____ round.           4. _______________________________

                       5.  They _____ swimming.           5. _______________________________

                       6.  Mark ____ a player.            6. _______________________________

                       7.  Joe ____ a naughty boy.         7. _______________________________

                       8.  We _______ very sad.            8. _______________________________

                       9.  She _____ a woman.             9. _______________________________

                       10. They _______ busy.           10. ______________________________

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