P. 30
2. Assessment instrument rubric (Assessment instrument rubric)
Instructions: 1) read the assessment items carefully
2) put a check list (√ ) on the scale number based on the student's writing
No. Performance Indicators
5 4 3 2 1
1. The first paragraph introduces the topic
clearly and grabs the reader's attention
2 The content/idea of the text is in line with
the topic/title
3 Overall writing makes sense/has a clear
4 The text structure/generic structure meets
the nature of descriptive generic structure
5 All paragraphs flow cohesively and
6 The structural patterns follow the
conventions of the English language and
line up with the descriptive text
7 The vocabulary and word choices are
correctly and properly used
8 The words are correctly spelled
9 The text mechanics are correctly and
properly used
total score
Students' score: total score/38 x 100
score :
Date of assessment :
Name of students :
Mclean HY P a g e 27 | 34