Page 8 - Welcome Home Magazine July 2021
P. 8
Do you have a green thumb?
Gardening is not only a great stress relief, but a well-maintained garden is a simple way to up the
market value of your property.
In July it’s time to plant Frost Protection
• Asparagus crowns In the lead-up to cold weather, water tender plants with a
• Early potatoes seaweed-based solution, which will help them develop an
• Shallots internal resistance to frost. Seaweed solution takes about a
• Garlic cloves week to take effect if you spray it on the leaves, and two to
• Salads & Spring onions three weeks if applied to the roots.
• Rhubarb divisions
• Jerusalem artichokes Frost protection sprays are biodegradable so should be
• Globe artichoke suckers applied monthly during cold weather - after applying
seaweed solution to ensure the seaweed solution gets
taken up by the plant. We're your local