Page 172 - Magazine 2022-intractive flip
P. 172
Week – our juniors are yet to see the magic. that. The chechis who help keep our buildings
That one week was the most memorable for spick and span, they are always so jovial and
us – even if occasionally we’d be bunking and kind – helping us out after programs. They
hanging out at nearby cafes. Even all those teach us how to be responsible for ourselves
stolen moments have been etched into our and our surroundings.
hearts, haven’t it?
3. The copier and stationary uncles for
Classes were challenging, but we were blessed being ever-so resourceful and life-saving,
with the most dedicated and friendliest especially when we have to get last-minute
teachers who were always there to offer us copies and forget pens and calculators for
guidance and help. From my experience, exams.
I was able to approach my faculty with
4. Finally, as a central block student, I want
anything, or just even talk about personal
to thank the uncle who runs the little chai
philosophies and wildest ideas for the future.
shop outside.
They welcomed us with empathy, fairness
and a closeness that we are all so grateful If I missed out anyone, I apologize and I tell
for. As we leave this phase of our lives, I you that I’m wholeheartedly grateful for all
want to thank all the teachers who graced you do.
us with their wisdom and insights. Through Finally, to the third year students: it might
your spirit, we will carry an air of grace and feel like you’re standing at a crossroad with
confidence wherever we go – in all things multiple routes to choose from and that
academic and otherwise. And as I thank the everything will change depending on what
teachers, I would also like to acknowledge you choose now. Change will happen to you
how the college has provided us with so many
and me. It’s inevitable. We will grow and
opportunities to show our talents, not just
evolve as we should. It may not be what we
with the objective of winning – but simply to expect. Or it may go just how we planned.
try and experience a world of possibilities.
But no matter what route you choose and the
The career guidance sessions this year have
level of success you will achieve, do not lose
been immensely helpful to many, helping us
the sense of child-like wonder and energy
finding direction and clarity when we felt a
you have right now. This energy that keeps
little lost while making big decisions.
you going from day to day, looking forward
To the unsung heroes at STC, to only good things happening to you. Do
1. Central Perk and Orange Café – there is not replace your kind soul with cynicism
one question that has perplexed me since and distrust. That helps no one. Protect your
mind and body as they are your life-long
the beginning, ‘How do those chettans and
chechis remember all our orders?’ If I had an companions in this journey. Things are only
ounce of that memory power, I would’ve aced going to get better. Even if it may not feel
my exams. I thank them wholeheartedly for like that now, there will be points in your
filling our tummies and hearts with warm life where you will say to yourself, ‘All the
food, warm smiles and free mayo. Also a struggles and pain I went through is nothing
quick shout out to the ladies who work the compared to the happiness I feel right now.’
hostel mess and canteen. Friends, I wish to conclude with one mantra
2. The chechis and security guards who rule that I always say to myself and has helped me
the three blocks like the guardians of the through the good, the bad times:
galaxy – some of our security guards act like Look at the world with love, and not fear.
they’re part of the Special Protection Group
All the best to us,
– but that’s them doing their duty diligently
and passionately every day, ensuring we are Signing out,
not in harm’s way. And I will always respect Madhuri.