Page 23 - SB-Little Prince
P. 23

Cosmos Crow again. Too bad about the Little Prince’s kingdom. I know that some who read this story will think, “That Little Prince was really mean or very foolish.” But you would be wrong. Take a minute and go look in the mirror. You may be looking at a “Little Prince,” or certainly someone who can sometimes act like the Little Prince of the story.
The Little Prince wanted things to always be just the way he wanted them. In that way, he is just like you. You would like for your food to always taste good, to always have TV, school and your friends be entertaining and fun. But life really is not like that but unlike the Little Prince, you can’t “Change the world” to make it fit what you want.
Like the Little Prince, when you get frustrated, you may feel angry or embarrassed and act badly by yelling, pouting, crying or fighting. When someone asks you why you are feeling and acting this way, you say it is because of what someone else did or failed to do, said or failed to say. But the lesson of the Little Prince is... “What you think (tell yourself) determines how you feel and act and if you are angry or embarrassed, you made yourself angry or embarrassed.”
When you think that something or someone should, must or ought to do or not do something, you are setting yourself up to feel bad and act badly. When the Little Prince wanted to eat only pie and ice cream, he told himself that he ought to be able to do what he wanted. When others tried to explain that this was not a good thing to do, he became angry. In the story, he banished them from the kingdom. Sometimes, when you want to do something but your parents tell you no, you have an “ought” thought; “I ought to be able to do this or that” and you become angry. You may fuss, cry or you may pout.

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