Page 5 - Howard Whosjobisit
P. 5
As time went on, I began to see how this easy life was going to cause Howard some real problems. But I am getting ahead
of myself.
Now you may not know this but squirrels get to move out on their own when they are still fairly young. By the time they move out they are supposed to know everything they need to know in order to take care of themselves.
But we have an old saying in the animal world, “Knowing is not doing.” In my travels, I often hear one human say to another human, “I know, I know, quit telling me about it.” Now, of course, this has to do with someone not doing something they were supposed to do and then getting fussed at because they failed to do it.
You humans have all kinds of sayings like that, as in, “I know, I’ll do it next time” or “It’s not my turn” or “Well, whose job is it anyway.” I have learned that these sayings really mean, “You caught me not doing what I was supposed to be doing and now I am going to try and get out of doing it (or out of punishment).”
As I said earlier, the human world is so easy that you can get away with “Not doing what you need to be doing.” However, the animal world is not that easy, as Howard will learn.