Page 7 - Howard Whosjobisit
P. 7

Now I’m sure that you go to a human school and have a desk or something like that. I have seen them through the schoolhouse windows. I have also seen how some of you don’t keep a very neat desk, much like Howard’s nest. And just as with Howard’s nest, things are hard to find.
Important stuff just seems to disappear. No one wants to share your desk and you get fussed at because your desk is a mess. Well, that is just the same as what happened to Howard. Because his nest was so messy, he kept losing things.
It’s messiness also caused others not to want to visit Howard. He was lonely but he still refused to clean his nest. Despite a lot of encouragement from others to clean his nest, he just kept saying, “Whose job is it?” He obviously thought it was not his job.

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