Page 39 - FS-Little Prince
P. 39
Let your children talk about why the Prince continued to eat the pie. Their answers will give you an idea of how well they grasp the concept that sometimes, irrational thinking can win out over rational thinking and then you continue to do something foolish
even though you “know” it is wrong or hurtful. You can ask them. “Can you give me an example of when you did something even though you knew it was not the right thing to do?” “What could you have been telling yourself (Stinky Thinking) when you were doing (what ever was their example)?”
Hopefully, they will be able to recreate or guess at some irrational self-statements, which accompany their behavior. Support their awareness and encourage them to continue paying attention to their thinking.
1. When told by the doctor, that his diet was not healthy, what should or ought statements did he tell himself?
I should be able to eat anything I want to because I am the Prince.
2. What were his emotions (OK/Not OK)?
He was angry (Not OK)
3. What were his behaviors because of this thinking?
He kept eating pie and ice cream and put the doctors in jail.
4. Give an example of when you might act like the Prince.
(When you whine or fuss to watch TV or buy something, even after your parent tells you “No”).