Page 12 - The Too Birds
P. 12

I don’t want you to think that all birds were jerks and acted badly. Many were able to understand the logic of the Congress and were willing to go along with its decisions. There were some birds, however, who refused to go along with the suggestions of the Congress no matter how logical
the reasoning.
They held on to their Too Beliefs (Stinky Thinking) and refused to change. I could mention the names of these birds but you would not recognize the names because they are no longer to be found on this earth. I will end this story with two of the happy endings in the legend of Too Birds, that of the Parrots and Hummingbirds.
When the Parrots came before the Congress, they were told that because of their bright colors they would need to live somewhere that had a lot of trees and vines. They had small claws and their beaks were not very sharp. Therefore, the Congress decided that parrots should live in the rain forest and eat fruit.
Some of the other birds became very upset when they heard this. “That is where they live now and that is what they like to eat! We have had to make all of these changes and they get to do exactly what they want to do. That’s not fair.” According to the legend, this is when the famous bird saying was first used; “Life is not fair, it just is” was the reply from the members of the Congress.

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