Page 11 - The Too Birds
P. 11

The Gulls were able to see the wisdom of this but did not like it. Of course, today you call them Seagulls and the reason that they are so loud and annoying is that they are still angry about the decision of Congress to make them live on the leftovers
of others.
Owls are another group of birds that were particularly upset about the ruling of the Congress. You see, Owls consider themselves to be the smartest of birds and they liked to show off. They were always making sure that you knew they were smarter than you and they were not very nice about it.
After due consideration, the Congress called in the owl representatives, “We have considered your situation and have decided that Owls are best suited to be night hunters. Your eyesight is such that it would be difficult for you to see well in the daylight. Although you are strong fliers, you can only go short distances and cannot catch any swiftly running prey.”
The owls were very upset. “But we are too smart to be forced to live in the night. No one else will be around to admire us. We need to be able to tell others all of the things they are doing wrong,” they whined.
To that the Congress replied, “You owls are indeed very smart but you are neither kind nor understanding. Others will be able to learn how to get along, even if it is by their own mistakes. Your smartness has not become wisdom and the night will be your home.”

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