Page 9 - The Too Birds
P. 9
Another group got upset for the exact opposite reason. The Cranes were told that because of their long bills and ability to be very quiet, they would live in the swamps and marshes catching fish and frogs. As you might guess, some of them complained that it would be too hot and too damp.
The Black Bodied Cranes wanted to live on the mountain tops and swoop down to catch buffalo. The Congress tried to explain that catching buffalo may sound like a great plan as there are a lot of them and one buffalo could feed many cranes but that it was not practical.
“First of all, you cranes are not very fast fliers and second, you don’t have the claws or strength to catch a buffalo.” But as you have figured out by now, the "Too" as in too hot and too damp overruled reasonableness and the Black Bodied Cranes moved to the mountains, never to be heard from again.
Sometimes we get an idea in our head about wanting to do something and refuse to listen to the logic of others. Even when others explain the problems or dangers, we think that we are too smart or too quick for that happen to us.
Unfortunately, when we let our Too Beliefs get in the way of Good Thinking, bad things can happen.