Page 20 - The Too Birds
P. 20

The last two families of birds in our story ended up differently than the others. In doing so, we see some characteristics we share with you humans. The Parrots were lucky. They were able to stay in their home, the jungle and eat their favorite food, fruit. Unlike the others, they did not have to change. They just happened to be lucky.
And do you know what happened next? Some of the others said, “That’s not fair”. But that is the way life really is for us animals and you humans. Sometimes things just work out well for someone else and not for you. Remember the famous bird saying: “Life is not fair, it just is.”
The Hummingbirds, on the other hand, had to make a lot of changes. But they accepted that with this New World, things would have to be different. Rather than fuss about it being too hot or too cold, they accepted the need for change and figured out what they needed to do to succeed.
Wouldn’t it be great if instead of complaining about everything and everyone being Too this and Too that, we figured out what needed to be done and then just did it?

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