Page 22 - The Too Birds
P. 22
1. In the legend of The Too Birds, why did they need to change their lives?
a. The other animals were jealous of them.
b. The other birds, the Congress, wanted to tell them how they should live.
c. The world had changed and they had to learn how to live with the changes.
2. Why did the Congress decide that the buzzards should be the clean-up birds?
a. It was a nasty job and they wanted to punish the buzzards.
b. No one else wanted to do the job and the buzzards could be fooled into doing it.
c. The buzzards had strong wings, good eyes and there were few other tasks that they could do.
3. Why didn’t the Red Breasted Penguins want to move to the South Pole?
a. The Red Breasted Penguins wanted to live where they could y a lot.. b. They thought that it would be too cold at the South Pole.
c. They had already tried living there and did not like it.
4. Both the Penguins and Cranes did not want to move because it was either too hot or too cold. What happened to them?
a. They refused to do what the Congress thought was best and thus proved that they were right
all along.
b. Both of them let their Too beliefs cause them to not listen to reason and thus they
disappeared from the earth.
c. They both got in trouble and were forced to move anyway.
5. Why did the Gulls not want to follow the instruc ons of the Congress ?
a. The Gulls thought that they were too pre y to have to live on the le overs of others. b. The Gulls were “warrior” birds and needed to hunt wild animals.
c. The Gulls wanted to live in the desert.
6. Why were the Owls so upset about the decision of the Congress that “The night will be your home?”
a. The Owls thought it would be too hard to hunt at night.
b. The Owls wanted to be able to make sure that everyone else knew that they were very smart. c. The Owls were scared of the dark.
7. Both the Gulls and the Owls had a posi ve quality that they turned into a nega ve quality. What were those quali es?
a. They were too brave and too generous b. They were too strong and too fast.
c. They were too pre y and too smart.
8. What S nky Thinking can cause a good quality to become a nega ve quality, like being very smart or very pre y?
a. When others don’t appreciate that you are very special.
b. When you tell yourself that you don’t have to do what others have to do because you are
too special.
c. When others are jealous of you because you are too special.
9. The Parrots were lucky and were able to stay in their home and eat their favorite food. Should the others have become angry?
a. No, because the parrots’ luck did not make anyone else’s life worse.
b. No, because it would not have changed the fact that they cheated.
c. Yes, because it was not fair.
10. Why did the Hummingbirds come up with their own plan for dealing with the “new world?”
a. b.
Because they were the last ones to have to do anything.
The Hummingbirds thought about the problem and were able to come up with a Good
Thinking solu on.
The Hummingbirds were so small that no one cared where they lived.