Page 34 - The Too Birds
P. 34
The worksheets continue with Cosmos explaining that if we think of ourselves as being too smart or too cute, which seems to have positive connotations, you are still limiting yourself. You may be a good student or popular but you may fail to learn study and social skills that are increasing necessary as you get older.
If you are intelligent and learn quickly, you may not be willing to learn study skills or to apply yourself adequately as your subjects get more difficult. Since you see yourself as being too smart to have to study, your dropping grades will be not fair and somehow the universe has plotted against you.
Most of us would like to be attractive to others. But a too cute belief may cause you to be insensitive to others and fail to learn the genuine social skills necessary to maintain meaningful relationships.
Someone with the too cute, Stinky Thinking may find themselves having to gravitate to those who will reinforce that belief even if there are negative consequences for doing so, such as drug use and inappropriate sexual activity.
1. If you think that you are too smart or too cute or too athletic to do a task which is required of others, what type of thinking are you having?
Stinky Thinking.
2. The owls were very smart but they were “neither kind nor understanding.” What type of thinking did the owls have that caused them to be, “neither kind nor understanding?”
Stinky Thinking.