Page 35 - The Too Birds
P. 35

The final worksheet has Cosmos explaining that sometimes situations turn out good for someone else. People with the type of Stinky Thinking illustrated in this fable will see this fortunate turn of
events as not fair. People (children as well as adults) who have a
lot of habituated Stinky Thinking are frequently overly concerned about fairness.
If others are fortunate, why should you make yourself upset at their good fortune? In the story, the Parrots were “in the right place at the right time.” If you weren’t and get upset, you have some Stinky Thinking.
The Hummingbirds demonstrated how someone with Good Thinking handles change or difficult situations. They evaluate the options, come up with the best alternative, act on that alternative and live with the consequences. Wouldn’t it be nice if we all could be like the Hummingbirds?
1. If you told yourself “The Parrots were lucky to be able to stay at home and eat their favorite food. But that will not bother me and I will do what I have to do to succeed,” what type of thinking are you having?
Good Thinking
2. The Hummingbirds looked at the changing world and decided what needed to be done. They did what was best for them even though it would be hard. What type of thinking is that?
Good Thinking.

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