Page 5 - The Too Birds
P. 5

At first the changes were small and no one noticed. Then as time went on, the changes became more dramatic. Where there had once been soft, rolling hills, a great shaking came and pushed the hills to the sky and they became mountains. In other places the hills
sank into the earth and became lakes and swamps.
The weather changed also. In some places it began to rain and rain, seeming to never stop, while in other places the rain stopped altogether and everything dried up. The temperature also changed. In most places it would be warm, then hot, then cool and then cold. Then it would start over again with warm.
But in some places, it was now cold all of the time. Not just a little cold but a white cold that never changed. In other places, it was hot all of the time. Not just a little hot but a yellow hot that could melt your feathers.
Then the food changed. Fruit and nuts were not available all the time. They would be ripe at a certain place for a little while and then be gone. Then they would be ripe somewhere else and so on throughout the year.
And the animals changed. Suddenly, the world became a dangerous place because there appeared foxes and all types of wild cats.

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