Page 6 - The Too Birds
P. 6
As you can guess, these changes caused a lot of fear and concern in the world of birds. It was decided to call a “Congress of Birds.” That is a big meeting of all different types of birds to discuss how to best deal with these changes.
You probably have something like it in the human world. In the ancient bird world, this meeting was a very important deal. Representatives of all of the different types of birds came to the meeting.
There were many discussions about what to do and how to do it. They were dealing with a world that was very changed from the one they all knew. There was a lot of disagreements and arguments but at last they came to some decisions and called all the birds together to explain what had to be done to deal with this “New World".
The Congress members began explaining what changes had to occur in the world of birds. “In this new world, there are predators and prey. One of the things that occurs is that the bodies of some prey animals are left on the ground. These bodies must be cleaned up.
They can be a source of food. We have selected the bird family known as Buzzards for this task. They are large with strong wings and good eyesight. They will be able to glide effortlessly in the sky looking for this food source.”