Page 11 - Newton and the Needy Newts
P. 11

Then the frogs showed up, all quiet and serious. And out of the crowd of frogs stepped the smallest, greenest frog I had ever seen. I later learned that this was a "Tree Frog". They are among the best climbers of all frogs. They are very light weight and have long fingers with sticky pads at the ends. I was told that they can climb the glass in the windows of the people’s nests.
The race was on and the Tree Frog hopped to the first and then the second large rock before Newton had moved his first foot in the dirt. Newton took off in a flash, once he had his wits about him. He bounded up the rocks. The frogs looked on quietly, with an occasional word of encouragement.
The newts on the other hand, screamed and yelled. When Newton would loose his grip or slip, there would be a rush of curses (newts use very bad language and I had to cover my ears with my wings).
Newton tried but the little frog kept getting farther and farther ahead. Newton was desperate. He began taking foolish chances, jumping from one slippery rock to another.
While all this was happening, I was thinking about how Newton had brought this on himself because he needed to “show off.” He was willing to risk his life ... for what? They had not even bet any bugs on the race. He was willing to risk his life for the approval of others. That’s what being needy can cause. As I am sure you can guess, the frog won and needy Newton fell into the lake.

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