Page 12 - Newton and the Needy Newts
P. 12

Newton continued to challenge the frogs to various contest, trying to gain the admiration of the other newts. As I have said before, it is nice to win, to be liked, to be told that you look good or that you are smart.
But if like Newton, you turn those likes into needs, you put yourself at the mercy of others and that is exactly what happened to Newton. After the climbing contest, the other newts were not very nice to Newton.
Then one morning, one of the newts told Newton that he should challenge the frogs to a bug catching contest that night. Whoever caught the most bugs would be the winner. Now even I know that frogs are about the best bug catchers in the world. But even if Newton knew he did not have a chance, he would do it just for the attention and possibility that he might win.
I have to admit, Newton was very serious about his bug catching and he did his best. But it really was no contest at all. Frogs are so much more skillful at bug catching that it was embarrassing. The sad thing was not that Newton lost but rather that he would do something so foolish just to try and please others.
The more he tried to impress and please the other newts, the less notice they took of him. Newton was now desperate for approval. I guess that is why he let himself get talked into a new contest ... singing.

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