Page 29 - Newton and the Needy Newts
P. 29
This story is designed to help the reader recognize that neediness can cause you to make some very bad decisions, which lead to bad consequences. Teaching yourself to have wants rather than needs will help you have a happier and ultimately more productive life. Of equal importance, you will not allow yourself to be overly influenced by others.
Unfortunately, some children seem to have a predisposition to be needy. They may be in environments (their home, neighborhood or school) in which neediness gets a lot of attention and they are not encouraged to be self-sufficient. Such a child will not see themselves capable unless validated by others. This will set them up to be manipulated and to do things that are not in their best self-interest. You will note in this story that the frogs are the ideal; the newts are the more typical.
You want to use this story to help children understand that they can control their “needs and wants.” It is okay to want this or to be that. But making a rational want into an irrational need can set you up to be unhappy and to engage in behaviors that can range from foolish to dangerous.
The typical child would like to have the admiration and approval of their peers. But any child can change this want into a need and thereby setting up a situation destined to cause unhappiness.