Page 31 - Newton and the Needy Newts
P. 31

On the next worksheet, Cosmos talks about being too needy. In this example, the newts’ desire for the new color (red) caused all kinds of problems. And even if they could have met this need (to be red), they could have been easy prey. He also talks about the silly extremes that the newts would go to be special.”
It is important to recognize that we can all engage in behaviors, which are not in our best self-interest, just to try and achieve some type of specialness.
1. The newts might tell themselves something like, “If I don’t have the longest tail, they will not think I am pretty and I must be pretty.” What type of thinking is that?
Stinky Thinking
2. If you tell yourself something like Question 1, how will you feel? What type of emotion is that?
Very worried, sad or embarrassed. These are Not OK emotions
3. If you were a newt telling yourself something like Question 1 and someone had a longer tail than you, how would you act toward them? What type of behavior is that?
You will be ugly to them and that is Thumbs Down Behavior

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