Page 32 - Newton and the Needy Newts
P. 32

The worksheets continue with Cosmos explaining that being needy for the approval of others can cause you to do things that are silly, dumb and even dangerous. For younger children that may seem like an exaggeration. But just when do we develop effective habits of thinking?
If these young children don’t change, they will be the adolescents who will take an unknown substance on a dare. They will be the one to drive recklessly to impress. They will be the one to engage in other risky behaviors, just to be accepted.
1. People who are very needy for the attention and approval of others are the victims of what type of thinking?
Stinky Thinking
2. The thinking that Newton had would lead to what type of emotions and behaviors?
Not OK Emotions and Thumbs Down Behaviors
3. What could Newton have told himself to change his Stinky Thinking into Good Thinking? How would he have felt and how would he have acted with this different thinking?
He could have told himself, “I don’t have to prove myself or get the approval of others. I will just do the best that I can.” He would have had OK emotions, such as being happy and Thumbs Up behavior such as just having fun and not doing stupid stuff.

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