Page 34 - Newton and the Needy Newts
P. 34

Much of the Neediness type of thinking will be in the form of automatic thoughts and will difficult for them to identify. You should be attending to their behavior and encouraging them to behave in a non-needy manner as a good way to address their “Newtness.”
Unfortunately, some of children will have strong irrational beliefs regarding their weaknesses. They may view themselves as unlikable or unlovable. Consequently, not engaging in newt-like behavior to get the attention and approval of others they crave will cause them a lot of anxiety.
Because of their anxiety, it will be hard to get them to change but remember the concept of Shaping (approximations of the desired behavior) and reward any indication of an improvement in their Stinky Thinking. Not engaging in any attention-seeking behavior for 10 minutes may be the starting point. Then increase it gradually (with the expectation that they will relapse) until their behavior is within acceptable limits.

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