Page 23 - Tree of Happiness
P. 23

Your teachers and parents, who try to help you, will be frustrated at your unwillingness to try and by the lack of success of their efforts.
If you have the belief, “No one can like me, I am unlovable,” you will not try to learn the social skills necessary to cause others to like you. You may tell yourself things like, “Why try, no one will like me anyway.” Any attempts at friendship by others will be rejected because you will be telling yourself, “They don’t really mean it.” Every “falling out” you have with a friend will convince you of the correctness of your irrational belief that you are “unlikable.”
It can be frustrating when dealing with these types of beliefs. You can believe this Stinky Thinking very strongly, even when there is little valid evidence that it is true.
Trying to discover why this particular belief is present or where it started may not be possible. Even if it was possible to discover the “Why” and “Where,” it has little to do with the elimination of the irrational belief. Rather than search for the “Why” and “Where,” accept that these irrational beliefs are “Wizard Statements” and have a life of their own in your belief system.
The Princess was even more upset when she became the Queen. This is like when the child becomes an adolescent or the adolescent an adult. Many of the discomforts and frustrations caused by the irrational beliefs of a child, become worse as an adolescent or adult.

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