Page 33 - Tree of Happiness
P. 33

The concept to emphasis on this page is, “What did the Princess do with what the wizard told her.” Like so many of us, she believed it and acted upon it without ever considering if it was accurate. The Wizard is a “power figure,” much like a parent, older sibling or other adult who can influence a child’s self-concept. We are all familiar with children who have been told, “You’re too (dumb, lazy, foolish)” and the child will live up to that expectation.
Like the Princess, they behave in a manner that will insure that the expectations come true. The point to make is that the Wizard (parent, sibling or peer) has no way of really knowing if you can be happy, smart or successful. The person who determines if you will be happy smart or successful is... you.
But the Wizard’s statements can also come from your own thinking. Because you find math difficult, you tell yourself, “I can’t do math so why try.” No one may have ever discouraged you from trying to succeed in math but your “personal wizard statement” will cause you to be anxious and frustrated with math and will limit your willingness to persevere.
1. When the Wizard told the Princes she could never be smart or loved because she was born under the wrong “Stars,” what did she start telling herself?
There is no point in trying to do well in school or make friends.
2. When she thought that way, how did she feel?
Sad and depressed.
3. How did she act?
She did not study or try to make friends.
4. Did the Wizard really know if she would be happy or smart?
No, he had no way of knowing the future.
5. Does anyone know if you will be happy, smart or successful? Who will determine this?
No one knows the future. All these things depend on yourself and doing what is necessary to be happy, smart and successful.

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