Page 22 - Polly Perfect
P. 22
1. Which phase sounds like something Polly Perfect would say?
a. That’s not fair.
b. That’s OK. I don’t need to have that right now. c. Whenever you have me to do it, thanks.
2. When something does not go the way Polly would like it to go, who does she blame?
a. No one, as she just accepts that it happened. b. She blames herself for being so foolish.
c. Anyone else she can blame.
3. What could Polly have told herself so that she could have dealt be er with the results of the “nest contest?”
a. It was just a stupid contest. Who cares.
b. Next year I will win.
c. I did my best. A er all, second place is pre y good.
4. Once the decision had been made that the pineapple had won the “most appealing fruit contest,” what did Polly do?
a. She accused the winner of chea ng.
b. She decided not to enter next year’s contest.
c. She was upset but accepted the judge’s decision.
5. What do you think caused Polly to be so upset when she did not win the contest?
a. The fact that the others were chea ng.
b. The fact that no ma er how good she did, someone else always won. c. The fact that she told herself that she must win.
6. Why did Penny Parrot win the “most appealing” contest?
a. She was the best looking parrot
b. She was the nicest of all the parrots.
c. The judges were red of all of Polly’s complaining.
7. Do you think that the other parrots agreed with the judges’ decision that Penny should win. Why?
a. Yes, because they like being around someone who acted as nice as Penny. b. Yes, because they did not like Polly either.
c. No, the others knew that Polly should win but were afraid to say anything.
8. Did Cosmos’ cousin think that Polly was going to change her behavior? Why?
a. Yes, because if she changed, the others would like her be er.
b. No, because she was just behaving naturally and others needed to accepted it. c. No, because she had been needing life to be perfect for a long me.
9. What causes someone to act like a “Polly Perfect?”
a. They demand that things should be just the way they want them to be all of the me. b. You are just born being a “Polly Perfect.”
c. Because others purposely do things to keep you from ge ng what you want.
10. Considering what you have learned about people and our S nky Thinking, if Polly does not change, what will happen to her as she grows up?
a. Other people will help her learn how to get long be er with others.
b. She will make friends with others who will “let her be herself.”
c. She will nd it more and more di cult to have friends.