Page 23 - Polly Perfect
P. 23
It is time for me to end this vacation and fly back up North. It is always nice to go to a new place and see new things and it is interesting how similar we are when it comes to things like wanting everything perfect. I am sure that you or some of your friends act like Polly every now and then.
If you don’t get just what you want, when you want it, you get angry and fuss or pout. You expect to never lose a game and expect to make good grades even if you don’t study. If you do something foolish or embarrassing, you look for someone else to blame. A “Polly Perfect” type of person does not want to admit error.
Do you ever say “The teacher is too hard” or “The instructions were too difficult” or “But you did not say I could not eat the whole pie” or “You only punish me for doing that.” We could go on and on about the excuses for your inability to have things be perfect, (that is, for things to be the way you want them to be) rather than see them as they are in reality.
You will not hear a Polly Perfect say, “The teacher is difficult but I did not prepare very well” or “I did not read the instructions carefully” or “I made a pig of myself and ate the whole pie” or “I knew that what I was doing was wrong and I accept the punishment.”