Page 6 - December NEWSWATCH
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 Mark your calendars: SHA Board Meeting | December10th | 7:00pm | Jones Creek Library
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Architecture Report-Ken sent in his report through Tom. Ken received a report concerning a large shrub obstructing the view of an intersecting street and partially blocking the sidewalk. Homeowner was requested to trim back the shrub to remove obstructions. Homeowner responded by entirely removing the shrub. The board thanks the resident for the timely attention to this concern. A homeowner on Manassas wishes to erect a large storage shed, 12 ft.x30 ft., on the back corner of his back yard. It will be completely invisible from the street. He was informed that a shed that size will require a permit from the city and also for any electrical service that will be included. A homeowner on Vicksburg is considering having an extension built to their home to add an additional accommodation for aging parent. Tom and Ken met with the homeowner and discussed all the issues concerning such an addition. A building permit will be needed for all the additions, and all code spacing requirements must be met. It was suggested that, when details are more firm, the homeowner again review the plans with Tom and Ken prior to obtaining a permit to avoid any issues. A homeowner on Stones River is also considering adding an addition for an aging parent. Ken and Tom plan to meet with him in the near future to discuss his proposal and offer any appropriate advice similar to the previous item. A homeowner on Spotsylvania is considering enclosing his carport. Ken will meet with him tomorrow to review his plans.
Newswatch/Website Report – Ed reported that, as part of his commitment to getting the newsletter out by the first of each month, he is changing printers as of December. The new printer offers a shorter turnaround. Ed urges residents to let him know if there is any event or subject they would like to see in the Newswatch, even if they don’t have the details. He can do the research to get the item into the newsletter. He reported that the SHA website has reached 2nd place of all of the websites that he manages. The website averaged 81 individual hits per day in November and has had just under 28,000 total visits year-to-date. Ed has made some changes to the website recently. He will put a nice presentation on the website to publicize the upcoming Christmas decoration contest. He will send email blasts, as well. The deadline for articles for the December Newswatch will be November 16.
Entrance Sign Committee Report –Sandy and Don reported that the City Parish has approved our permit for the sign with the variance requested of 20 feet back from the property line. However, because the sign is designed to be 30 feet long, it will encroach on the existing AT&T servitude by 18 inches. AT&T will allow us to build on it, but wants us to sign a Hold Harmless clause. Don had the Hold Harmless reviewed and revised by our attorney. He will present it to AT&T to see if they will accept it. He will also check to see if our liability insurance coverage would be affected by the clause.
New Business
2020 Membership Program –Mike proposed some ideas to increase membership again in 2020. He suggested that we ensure that real estate agents in our area have our brochure to give to people who are looking at homes in the subdivision, and also to leave them with closing attorney firms in our area to give to people who buy homes in the subdivision. He also suggested we create a welcome packet for new residents. The idea to create a welcome committee was also discussed. Mike proposed that we do the same membership mailout that we did last year, including the drawings for prizes. Eileen made a motion, and Tom seconded, that we approve the membership letter and have Mike send it out before December 1. Motion unanimously approved. Ed will put a notice in the December issue of the Newswatch.
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10% discount through December 31, 2019
  Shenandoah Homeowners Association Page 6

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