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 Markyourcalendars:SHABoardMeeting|September10th|7:00pm |JonesCreekLibrary
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I-10 interchange at Pecue Ln, the widening of I-10 from Highland Rd to Hwy 73, the widening of I-10 to I-12, and the extension of the Hwy. 1 corridor.
A resident in attendance, Andi Holliday, runs a consulting business helping people get their homes ready to sell. She offered to help the SHA with ideas on how to improve the aesthetics of the subdivision. She will send articles to Ed for publication in the Newswatch to help residents understand what the city is responsible for and what homeowners are responsible for in an effort to stop any decline.
A resident on Confederate reported that the drain at 16306 Confederate was cleared out on June 11. DPW workers tried to flush out the drainage system after that, but there was too much mud and clay. They said they would come back to fix it, but it hasn’t been done yet. Henry will look into it to see how we can get the city to complete the clearing out of the drains.
Secretary’s Report – Motion made and passed to accept the minutes of the last monthly business meeting as published in the Newswatch.
Vice President’s Report – Don reported that the south wall is scheduled for demolition on August 21. They will also uproot and remove the ligustrum shrubs in preparation for building the new sign.
Treasurer’s Report – There was no Treasurer’s Report this month. The Shenandoah Homeowners Association dues remain at $30 per year. Please send in your dues, or you can pay them via PayPal on the website. (
Membership Report –Henry reported for Mike that we have 780 paid members YTD, which is double the number we had last year. It is still a small percentage of total homes, but it is the highest number of members in several years.
Security Report –Tom - Tom reported that the patrol stats for July will be published in the Newswatch. He noted that we live in one of the safest neighborhoods in EBRP. Over the last six months, we averaged less than 30 calls for service per month to the Sheriff’s Office. He stated this is largely due to the very visible deputy patrols. Tom also reported that the flashing school zone sign will not be moved due to the current city ordinance regarding the length of school zones. This issue will not be pursued further at this time. The Cross Gates/Rose Garden camera installation was unexpectedly delayed, but should be done this week. Regarding the radar gun purchase, Tom reported that the SECPID Attorney, Sherri Morris, has sent our copy of the Cooperative Agreement to the Sheriff’s Office to sign, and we should get it back soon. A resident in attendance complained about a Mustang that speeds down Shenandoah Avenue at 5:30 every morning. Tom will notify the Shenandoah patrol deputies. The National Day Out Against Crime will be held on Nov. 2 at St. Andrews Methodist Church from 12-3. The Kiwanis Club will be cooking jambalaya. The next SECPID meeting will be held September 17 at 6:30 at the Jones Creek Library.
Beautification Report –Kevin - The “YARD OF THE MONTH” in Shenandoah Estates for September is 16018 Chantilly. They will receive a $25 gift certificate from Cleggs Nursery. Congratulations! Residents are reminded that they can nominate yards for “Yard of the Month” on the website.
Architecture Report-Ken received a question about solar panels. He reported that there are no subdivision restrictions spelled out against solar panels, but they must be installed per city codes and they must have a permit. A resident updating his house wants to put a Dumpster on the street in front of his house. Ken advised him that this is against city ordinance, but he can put it on his front lawn between the house and the sidewalk temporarily. A house on Shenandoah Avenue has a pool with a cover which is full of dirt and plants and standing water. Tom reported it to the city.
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