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 Shenandoah Homeowners Association
May 2020 Issue 3 Serving the 2,160 Homeowners of Shenandoah Estates Since 1972
    Black flies, also called buffalo gnats, are a biting fly that tend to swarm around your head and face.
Provided photo from Mississippi State Extension
Article From: The Advocate
East Baton Rouge Parish’s Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control on Monday warned the public about an infestation of black flies that have become a nuisance throughout the parish.I
In a statement posted on the department’s Facebook page, officials said the “annoying” insects will be around at least until warmer temperatures surface. Routine spraying, similar to what it done for mosquitoes, is not effective on the flies, the statement reads.
Officials described the female flies as “daytime biters” that are particularly active during the late morning hours. The females require blood -- human or animal -- to develop their eggs
The blood-sucking insects don’t generally transmit diseases to humans but females not only bite, they try to crawl into a person’s ears, nose and eyes.
  Residents are being advised to wear long sleeves and/or other protective clothing while outside.
  The Shenandoah Homeowners Association maintains a database of residents who wish to be on the mailing list for Community eBlasts.
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