Page 2 - OCTOBER 2019 Proof
P. 2 | MONTHLY UPDATE | October 2019
  “THEN AND NOW” – the August “UPDATE”
Last month’s SECPID article was excerpted and abridged from a personal history written by Tom Hirschey – Security Director for the Homeowners Association since 1986 and also a Commissioner and Security Director for SECPID since its inception. That’s 33 years of diligent service in the interests of every homeowner and resident of Shenandoah Estates. THANK YOU TOM!
As mentioned above, that was only an abridged version of a longer story. For the full version, please log on to SECPID.ORG.
In Shenandoah Estates there are three persistent issues causing obstruction of street drainage and promoting additional flooding: grass growing over and blocking the street gutters because the yard is not edged; grass clippings blown into the street, subsequently washed into and causing blockages in the storm sewers; and, filling in the gutter with rocks and concrete to provide a smoother driveway entry. EACH OF THESE IS ILLEGAL under EBR Parish code Sec. 12:401, which reads in its entirety:
No person shall impede or obstruct the passage flow of water of any street, gutter, ditch or drain on any property either owned by the city or the parish or on any servitude or right-of-way of whatever nature under the possession or control of the city or parish.
Nor shall any person construct any driveway ramp within any public street right-of-way which obstructs the flow of water or allow any material to remain in any public street, gutter, ditch or drain adjacent to the property where such person resides whether the material be leaves, branches or other debris of whatever nature shall be fined one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each occurrence.
Each resident is responsible for assuring their own and any lawn service’s compliance with the law.
The bulk of spending from annual fees is for security – almost all for Deputy Patrols and surveillance cameras whose stored images are accessed only by EBRSO Deputies for law enforcement purposes.
Between July 2018 and July 2019, each the five “original” LPR cameras ceased to reliably capture and store evidential images for law enforcement. Each was replaced – four on a “critical failure” basis -- using reliable 100% solid-state technology. These unscheduled demands on SECPID’s funds, added to SECPID’s ongoing program of new camera sites providing monitoring of traffic entering and leaving the many entrances to Shenandoah Estates, required delaying funding of some new projects into 2020 or later. Even so, three new site installations will be completed this year, further reducing the number of entrances not covered by surveillance cameras.
SECPID is also funding 50% of the cost of the SHA project replacing the south entrance treatment – a substantial investment by each party in the maintenance of the beauty of Shenandoah Estates and its desirability as a preferred place to live. [
 Whether you are already paying the annual fee or not, please consider additional support for SECPID’s activities, which support and promote the value of Shenandoah Estates to its residents. Voluntary contributions may be mailed or given to any Commissioner. Checks can be made out to SECPID, and our mailing address is:
Shenandoah Estates Crime Prevention and Improvement District Box 77926 | Baton Rouge, LA 70879-7926
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