Page 17 - The CRAIG family
P. 17
COLMORE “ALLEN” CRAIG (my Great Grandfather)
Colmore was born May 31, 1857, in Saluda, Jefferson County, Indiana to the parents of Samuel Craig and Melvina McHenry. Throughout my research I found that it is uncertain whether his given name was Colmore Allen or Allen Colmore. He is most always referred to as Allen, (Allen Colmore) but at times various Craig researchers refer to him as Cal. What we do know for certain that he was named Allen after his Uncle Allen, his father’s brother, and Colmore after the doctor who delivered him. A note in one family tree states that Samuel had to run all the way to Doctor Colmore’s house to get help for Melvina and that she would have died if it had not been for the doctor, so he named his son Allen Colmore Craig. His death certificate has his name as Colmore Allen and that information was provided by his daughter Mildred.
Pictures taken in 1948 – 91 years old
The census reports show that in 1860 he was 2 years old, living in Saluda, Jefferson County, Indiana; in 1870, he is 12 years old and living in the same place with his parents and 3 brothers; in 1870 he is 22 years old and is living in Saluda, Jefferson County, and is a boarder at the home of William Reed, a farmer. (William Reed’s son George, his wife Nancy (Colmore’s future wife) and their 5 children live next door.)
Colmore married Nancy Barnes Reed on August 11, 1882. (License dated 8/10/1882)
Nancy Barnes Reed was a 32-year-old recently widowed daughter-in-law of the owner of the house where Allen lived. He was a 25-year-old bachelor 7 years younger than Nancy. Nancy’s husband, George Reed died in June 1882, and she was left with 5 children aging from 3 to 11 and based on various records, we know she was 3 months pregnant with her sixth child, Marshall Craig at the time of her husbands’ death. Allen and Nancy married August 11, 1882, two months after George Reed died and Marshall was born 4 months later December 27, 1882.
Nancy was born in Spencer, Jennings County, Indiana on September 18, 1850, to the parents of John Andrew Barnes and Eliza Elizabeth Graham. Sha married George Winfield Reed on March 10, 1870.