Page 88 - The CRAIG family
P. 88

 Daddy and Aunt Ida
No one knows what arrangements Aunt Ida made with Ellie McClure, but Daddy went to live with Grandma and Papa. Aunt Ida handled all of the necessary paperwork with the county and no one really knows what that entailed but Daddy was never legally adopted by Grandma and Papa because he didn’t want to have his name changed from Craig.
1936: What we do know is that one of Daddy’s happiest memories is when he and Grandma were out working in the garden, hoeing the strawberry field and Uncle Bill (Papa) came out of the house, got into the old Model T Ford, cranked it up and headed for town. Daddy was mad at him for taking off and leaving him and Grandma to do the work. In about an hour, Uncle Bill came chugging back up the hill, and tied to the side of the car was a brand new red and white bike for Daddy’s 12th birthday. This was the most exciting and happiest day of his life. That would have been June 24, 1936.
Daddy was officially living with Bill and Bertha Adams and he started the eighth grade at Silver Creek in September 1936.
On February 14, 1938, Papa and Grandma brought home a 9-month-old baby girl. Celia Marie Adams. Celia was not an orphan but was the 10th child born to her parents. Her mother had a mental breakdown and was institutionalized, and her father couldn’t care for her. Her siblings were taken to an orphanage and as it turns out, it was the same orphanage where the Craig siblings had been. (I was researching Celia’s ancestry and it was through that research that I accidently found the orphanage records for the Craig kids). The orphanage did not take babies, but Celia was there for a night or two because that is where Papa and Grandma picked her up.
Daddy and Celia were raised together as brother and sister.
February 14, 1938 1938 Circa 1940

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