Page 89 - The CRAIG family
P. 89

All of the family who remembers the house on Poindexter Lane, know that it was 3 room shotgun house (with a loft) that sat upon a hill. There was an outhouse and no in-house plumbing, grandma had a wood burning stove in the kitchen. It had tar/asbestos siding and a tin roof. It was far from fancy and life was hard on the farm, but Grandma and Papa had so much love to give.
The backside of the house
Grandma made sure Daddy had nice clean clothes. Daddy was popular at Silver Creek High School. He was Drum Major and Captain of the football team. He was considered one of the best-dressed in his class. (This was verified by others who are not family but parents of some of my childhood friends/classmates who graduated with him).

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