Page 10 - Tanya The Tattling Rattler
P. 10
Not every situation needs a grown-up’s help.
If you see someone misbehaving, you can tell them that they should stop that behavior. You can tell them that what they are doing may get them or others into trouble and that would not be very nice. But it is not your job to stop their behavior. If they continue to misbehave, just leave.
Another example is when you and the others are given homework or a task to complete. If you know that someone has not completed their lesson or task, there is no need to tell the grown-up that they did not complete it. That will come to the grown-up’s attention soon enough.
If someone is picking on you or calling you names, the best thing to do is ignore them. Do not look at them. Do not talk to them. Just move away from them. If you want them to stop, this is the best way for you to handle it.
Some situations do need a grown-up’s help:
When you see another about to do something dangerous... get a grown-up. When you see someone about to hurt another... get a grown-up. If someone is doing something annoying and you can’t move away from them, and you have asked them to stop their behavior and they continue, and you have told them why you want them to stop, and they continue, and you have warned them to stop or you will tell a grown-up, and they continue, get a grown-up.