Page 11 - Tanya The Tattling Rattler
P. 11

Tanya noticed that a large group of young snakes had gathered and were listening to the explanation by Stella. They all nodded their heads in agreement. Tanya thought that what she had been told made good sense. But before the day was out, Tanya was telling on someone for not wanting to share a toy. Her behavior of telling on others for any silly little reason continued.
Then one day, for some unknown reason, Tanya developed a rattle at the end of her tail. No one paid it much attention and Tanya continued tattling every chance she had. As she did so, others noticed that she grew more and more rattles.
Stella was concerned and spoke to Tanya again. “Tanya, I am even more concerned about your habit of telling on everyone than I am about your new rattling tail. But it seems to me that the more you tell on others, the more rattles you get and the noisier you become.
Your telling on others is poisoning your relationships with the other youngsters. They don’t want to be around you and the grown-ups are tired of you telling on everyone. They have stopped listening to you. Your tattling may get you a little attention, but soon no one will want to be around you.”
Unfortunately, even this conversation with Stella did not help Tanya. She continued telling on others. Sometimes, she would even make up things that had never really happened.

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