Page 20 - Tanya The Tattling Rattler
P. 20

The Teller of Tales told a good story with an important point ... Teach
Don’t Tattle.
Help others learn how to do what they need to learn to succeed, in school, in games and with making friends. Others are sometimes annoying or discourteous because they don’t know how to act any other way.
You can always explain about a different way of thinking about something or a different way of doing something. If they listen, they may learn something. If they choose to continue to do what they have been doing, that is their choice and not your responsibility.
It is fine to tell a grown-up if someone is doing something dangerous or hurtful. But too often, you can get into the habit of tattling rather than teaching (helping) others. You get in the habit of expecting adults to solve every problem and to make life “fair”. You need to learn how to handle problems and accept that life is often “not fair".
In our story, Tanya refused to pay attention and do what Stella was telling her. She liked the attention and sense of power that tattling gave her, “No one messes with Tanya or she will tell on you.” Because Tanya did not change her tattling behavior, the others stopped having anything to do with her.

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