Page 22 - Tanya The Tattling Rattler
P. 22

The answers to the questions on the previous page are: 1. Yes, 2. No, 3. No, 4. Yes, 5. No.
How did you do? Some answers were easy and some were a little more difficult. But knowing is not doing. Be honest and ask yourself, “Even if I know the correct behavior, will I really choose it.”
Sometimes you are not sure what is the correct thing to do so you do the wrong thing or nothing at all. This story is designed to help you understand that when it comes to telling or not telling on someone; if your thinking is Stinky , don’t do what you want to do because it will be Thumbs Down behavior. But if your thinking is Good , then do what you think needs to be done even if it causes someone else to be unhappy.
Let’s look at some of the questions on the previous page that might have given you a little trouble. Number two was about the classmate who said she lost her homework. However, you had walked to school with her and did not see her drop anything.
Sometimes we justify our Stinky Thinking so that we feel okay about our Thumbs Down behavior. You may have told yourself, “She is lying to the teacher, that is bad and I should tell on her.” But your real motivation for telling the teacher may be to make yourself look good or to “get back” at the other student. That is why in this case your thinking is Stinky and your behavior is Thumbs Down.

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