Page 4 - Newton and the Needy Newts
P. 4
Cosmos Explains Newton and the Needy Newts
Hello, Cosmos Crow here. It is nice to be talking with you again. As most of you know, I spend most of my time, except when I go on vacation, right here in our little forest. There are plenty of trees and streams that run into a large lake but the forest is still close enough to the farms to keep me well stocked with corn and fruit.
We often talk about the characters in this forest and how similar they are to some of you. It is funny how some of my animal friends act so human. If they were a little larger and walked on two legs, they could attend your school. But to be honest that is not a complement. You see, a lot of the things I observe in the other animals that are very human, are also very foolish.
Now I don’t want you to get the idea that I don’t like people. I do like most people ... (but from a distance). So today, I am going to talk about some small forest animals that have some qualities that are very much like you humans. I don’t usually have much to do with these particular an imals because I live in the trees and they live mostly on the ground or in the water.
People have very big names for them, like amphibians, reptiles and so on. They also have smaller names for them, like lizards, salamanders, newts, frogs and toads. I will keep it simple and call them newts and frogs. I usually stay on the lowest branches of the trees to watch these little creatures, so that I could learn how they live. Watching them was really quite an education for me.