Page 6 - Newton and the Needy Newts
P. 6
I first realized how different frogs were from newts when I noticed the color thing. By that I mean ... well you know that frogs are mostly green. There are some who are light green and some who are dark green. Some are a solid color and others are kind of splotchy.
However, I noticed that frogs didn’t seem to be very concerned about their color. The same could not be said about the newts. Now you know that newt, lizards and salamanders can change their skin color. I bet you think it has to do with it making them harder to see, which does not seem to have something to do with this color thing.
But as I spent more time observing the newts, I realized that their color changing also had to do with the fact that newts are needy. As I was watching a group of them one day, I noticed that all of them were either green or brown.
That made sense because the forest is mostly green or brown and it did make them hard to see. Then I saw one come out from under a rock and he was red. All the other newts noticed him. I heard him say, “I can’t believe that all of you are still green or brown. Those colors are so "Old". Red is the color to be!”
You would not believe what happened next. All of the newts started running around, yelling and straining and trying to change their color to red. Some could not change at all and stayed green or brown. Others tried really hard and got kind of close to red.