Page 7 - Newton and the Needy Newts
P. 7
All the while, those who could change a little bit were making fun of those who could not change at all. “Greeny, Greeny, Greeny, you are teeny weenie.”
Those who could change a little and were a little closer to red then compared themselves to each other. They held their legs close together and fuss about who was closer to being red. The entire bunch of newts were upset and quarreling. I suspect that there would have been some fist fights if newts could make fists.
I don’t know about you but this all seemed pretty silly to me. But let me tell you, there were a lot of hurt feelings about this color thing. Oddly enough, none of the newts could change into this fashionable red color. This was probably just as well since a red newt sitting on a green leaf or brown rock would be very easy to see. And if you are very small and very easy to see, we larger animals give you a special name ... McDonald's. And I am sure you know what that means.
As the excitement about the color red began to die down, I started looking for the red newt who started all this fuss. I caught sight of "Sir Redness "just as he began swimming across a small stream. As I watched, the red newt came out of the water on the other bank. Guess what! The only part of him that was still red was the top of his head. The water had washed off the red color. He had gotten red rock dust all over himself. That is when I decided to keep an eye on this particular newt.