Page 13 - December NEWSWATCH
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The Shenandoah Homeowners Association dues remain at $30 per year. Please send in your dues, or you can pay them via PayPal on the website. (
Treasurer’s Report- Mike noted that the treasurer’s report does not include October month-end balances due to a delay in receiving the statement from the bank. Eileen moved to add Mike Giroir as a signer on the savings account. Kevin suggested we need more oversight on the savings account. Eileen amended her motion. Instead, she moved that the four executive officers be signers on the checking account with any two signatures required on all checks. Also, for additional oversight of the savings account, Eileen moved that the President, Vice President, and Secretary be signers on the savings account with two signatures required and that former treasurer, Mike Bass, be removed from the savings account. Ken seconded both motions. Motions passed.
Mike distributed a proposed budget for 2018, and it was discussed. Mike suggested we have an Executive meeting to discuss any changes to the proposal, then to have a vote of the full board at the December Board meeting. Mike invited all board members to send any input or suggestions to him. He will present a formal budget proposal at the December board meeting.
Security Report – Tom Hirschey – The patrol stats for October will be published in the Newswatch. Tom reported that we have added 15 hours of patrol with marked units each month in November and December. We are still working on installing cameras at Wildflower at Achord and Malvern Hill at Altus. We still have 3 others lined up for next year. Tom reported that the National Day Out Against Crime was a large success. He also noted that the date may be different next year. It will probably be on November, 3, so it won’t have the Halloween themes. Henry will send a letter to Chester Welch on behalf of SHA to congratulate SECPID for a successful event. Tom suggested we look at the crime blotter published in the Southeast News under Sector 9. He noted that over two weeks of data, there were only 4 incidents of any type reported in Shenandoah Estates.
The next SECPID meeting will be held Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at the Jones Creek Library. The 2019 budget will be discussed.
Architectural Report – Ken reported that a resident on Appomattox who put in a circular drive does have a permit. Ken and Tom reported that the 2 permit issue items that were still open have been resolved.
Beautification Report – The “YARD OF THE MONTH” in Shenandoah Estates for December is . It was nominated by a resident. They will receive a $25 gift certificate from Cleggs
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