Page 16 - G-Plowing the Desert
P. 16
I have noticed that a lot of you humans act like the Plowman, only worse. I peek in your windows and see you sitting in front of the picture box, hour after hour. Sometimes you seem to enjoy looking at it but other times you seem to be just staring at the pictures.
I know that you could be studying or reading a book or other things that you humans can do that we animals can’t. Why, if I could read your human books, I would be so smart... but that’s another story.
What do you think would happen to a squirrel, if instead of storing nuts, he just sat around looking at some dumb squirrel movie? When winter comes, he would have little to eat, would get really hungry and possibly starve.
What about a duck that wants to play rather than learn how to fly? I am sure that you can understand that this duck would be a "sitting duck" for the fox.