Page 18 - G-Plowing the Desert
P. 18
After I left the Plowman and his two oxen, I realized that I should have helped him. After all, he is only human and does not understand a lot of stuff. I could have explained that just doing the stuff that is easy and fun is not a very good use of your life. After awhile, even the easy and fun stuff will get boring.
In fact, I could have explained to the Plowman how he could change his Stinky Thinking into Good Thinking.I could have told him; I know that you are concerned that if you plant something, you will have to work harder. But think about what you would get for a little more work, rows of beautiful green corn stalks with large heads of delicious yellow corn.
Why, people would come from all over to admire your field and you would have lots of food to eat.
You could use this corn to feed others who are hungry and be known for being very generous. Why, with just a little effort, you could be the most popular man in this desert.