Page 20 - G-Plowing the Desert
P. 20
1. What type of thinking did the Plowman have when he told himself that plan ng crops would mess up his beau ful rows?
a. S nky Thinking
b. Logical Thinking
c. Good Thinking
2. What type of emo ons are you having if you get angry when others tell you that you are was ng me?
a. OK Emo ons
b. Not OK Emo ons
c. Thumbs Down Emo ons
3. What was the Plowman’s reason for plowing (not plan ng) the desert?
a. Someone had to do it, so he decided he would be the one. b. He liked doing things that were di cult.
c. It was easy and fun.
4. What type of thinking would you have if you convinced yourself that watching television was more important than studying for a test?
a. S nky Thinking
b. Good Thinking
c. Thumbs Up Thinking
5. If you are only willing to do the easy or fun stu in school, what do you think will happen?
a. Everyone does that, so you will be like everyone else.
b. You will not do well and thus make poor grades.
c. You will make good grades because you are having fun.
It would be very easy for you to just do only the easy or fun things in life. But if everyone had that same type of Stinky Thinking, all you humans might still be living in caves. You would not have automobiles, airplanes or medicine. Everything that helps to make life good in the 21st century is due to someone being willing to do the difficult (not fun) stuff.