Page 4 - SB-Scaredy Cat
P. 4

 Cosmos Crow is here to talk about being scared. Being scared is a very valuable emotion. It gets your body ready to run away when something truly dangerous threatens you. But for some of us, our fearful emotions are too strong and we are afraid of things that we can handle if we just face them and deal with them.
I have a friend who willing help me with this story. Her name is Carmen Cat. As many of you know, cats are kind of nervous. They live in a world of larger animals like people and dogs. As well as things that they don’t really understand like cars and bikes. Any of these can be very dangerous for cats so it makes sense that they would be fearful of many of these, unless they are very familiar with them and know that they are safe.
I was to learn that Carmen was afraid of too many things. Some of her fears were fairly simple and did not cause her a lot of problems, like her fear of falling leaves. But other fears caused Carmen to be worried and made her
very unhappy.

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