Page 6 - SB-Scaredy Cat
P. 6

   I bet you know there is no such thing as a type of cat that is a “Scaredy Cat” but I had seen this sort of thing before. If you label yourself like Carmen has done, you start to believe it. And if it is a negative label like “scaredy cat” it can cause you some real problems.
We were walking together down the sidewalk when we came to puddle of water. Carmen stopped, looked at the puddle and started to walk around it. I asked her, “Carmen why not just walk through the puddle?”
“But Cosmos, it may be really deep and I could drown or maybe there is an alligator in it.” I know that you think I should walk through the puddle so she would see it was not deep and there is no alligator.
But Carmen needs a different type of lesson than me doing it. She already sees me as brave, so she can still tell herself, “Sure Cosmos can do it but I can’t ever do that because something terrible will happen.”

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